I know your mouse. 我識你老鼠 !
You call me how to come out and walk in the future? 你叫我以後點出o黎行?
I give you some colour to see. 我俾D顏色你睇!
If you have enough ginger,put your horse to me. 如果你夠薑的話就放馬過o黎!
Monster of blowing water. 吹水怪。
Blow chicken. 吹雞。
I blow chicken to beat your group of the guys. 我吹雞打你班友 。
Face green green. 臉青青 。
You see road carefully. 你小心睇路 。
Are you road? 你係唔係路呀?
How senior are you? 你算老幾?
What the water are you? 你係乜水?
Do you big me? 你大我呀?
Zebra chops people. 班馬劈友 。
Do the world. 做世界 。
Big tea rice. 大茶飯 。
What the ghost are you talk? 你講乜鬼?
Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair. 批我個頭俾你當凳坐!
I give you only a hair. 我俾條毛你!
Do you think me didn't arrive? 你當我無到?
Wear grass. 著草
I am wearing grass. 我著緊草。
I fear that you have teeth. 我驚你有牙!
You have not enough class to talk mathematics with me! 你未夠班同我講數!
What the spring do you do? 你做乜春?
Measure water/Pound water. 磅水
A dragon service. 一條龍服務
Hold hold water. 楂楂水
Haha...funny la...^O^
Haha...funny la...^O^
Ha Ha
can let me release !!
today, a bit sad ....
thank you funny blog.